Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Apple pie originated in what country?"
Despite its association with American patriotism, apple pie actually originated in England, where the dish emerged centuries before the United States even existed. One of the earliest recorded apple pie recipes appears in the 14th-century English cookbook The Forme of Cury. In fact, apple trees were not native to North America. European settlers brought domesticated apple trees along with recipes, introducing apple pie to the American colonies. The transformation of apple pie into a national symbol occurred in the 20th century, fueled by advertising, media, and wartime propaganda.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Apple pie originated in what country?"
Despite its association with American patriotism, apple pie actually originated in England, where the dish emerged centuries before the United States even existed. One of the earliest recorded apple pie recipes appears in the 14th-century English cookbook The Forme of Cury. In fact, apple trees were not native to North America. European settlers brought domesticated apple trees along with recipes, introducing apple pie to the American colonies. The transformation of apple pie into a national symbol occurred in the 20th century, fueled by advertising, media, and wartime propaganda.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Apple pie originated in what country?"
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