Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Adam and Eve were obviously an integral part of the Old Testament of The Bible but in which Seventeenth Century narrative poem by John Milton are they also major characters?"
...1. Paradise Lost 2. Lycidas 3. Paradise Regained 4. Samson Agonistes "Paradise Lost" is, arguably, the greatest poetic work in the English language and Adam and Eve are high up in the list of best known duos! The work is about the "Fall of Man" and was published in 1667 in ten books. Milton was a fairly rebellious character who wrote pamphlets against the regime of Charles I. During Cromwell's Commonwealth, after the Civil War, he held public office and must have been lucky not to suffer repercussions when the monarchy was restored in 1660. By this time he was blind and needed an amanuensis to scribe for him. Nevertheless, it was during this period when he produced the majority of his major works of poetry.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. Adam and Eve were obviously an integral part of the Old Testament of The Bible but in which Seventeenth Century narrative poem by John Milton are they also major characters?"
Paradise Lost:
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