Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The son of what famous man invented Lincoln Logs?"
Lincoln Logs, a beloved classic toy, were invented by John Lloyd Wright, the second son of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The toy's design was inspired by the interlocking log beam architecture of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, a structure created by John’s father to be "earthquake-proof." More than a century after their invention, Lincoln Logs continue to captivate generations, with over 100 million sets sold worldwide. Their enduring popularity was cemented in 1999 when they were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The son of what famous man invented Lincoln Logs?"
Frank Lloyd Wright:
Lincoln Logs, a beloved classic toy, were invented by John Lloyd Wright, the second son of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The toy's design was inspired by the interlocking log beam architecture of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, a structure created by John’s father to be "earthquake-proof." More than a century after their invention, Lincoln Logs continue to captivate generations, with over 100 million sets sold worldwide. Their enduring popularity was cemented in 1999 when they were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.
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