Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. In the song "Streets of _________ ", Bruce Springsteen sings about the loneliness on walking throught the streets of this city where the Liberty Bell can be located. Can you name it?"
...1. back alley 2. Chicago 3. Philadelphia 4. Atlanta This song was an Oscar winner in 1993 for the soundtrack of the movie "Philadelphia" and won "Song of the Year" in 1995 Grammy Awards.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. In the song "Streets of _________ ", Bruce Springsteen sings about the loneliness on walking throught the streets of this city where the Liberty Bell can be located. Can you name it?"
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "6. In the song "Streets of _________ ", Bruce Springsteen sings about the loneliness on walking throught the streets of this city where the Liberty Bell can be located. Can you name it?"
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