Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. What is the life process called in which ingested food is broken down into simple molecules which are then able to be absorbed and used by the body?"
...1. respiration 2. digestion 3. elimination 4. absorption You take a bite out of your apple. As you continue masticating it, chemicals in your saliva begin the digestion process. The bit of apple is broken down into smaller and smaller pieces until it reaches the state of its most basic chemical make up. As it makes its way through the stomach, more enzymes and liquids are added to the mix so that all vitamins, minerals and life-giving components are set free to be absorbed in the intestinal lining. Undigestible matter such as fiber and other waste material are eliminated at the other end. The sum of all these various processes is known as digestion.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. What is the life process called in which ingested food is broken down into simple molecules which are then able to be absorbed and used by the body?"
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