Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. More famous for his wry humor and twisted English, this Yankee star answered to the name "Yogi". Who was the catcher who once said, "It ain't over til its over?""
...1. Eddie Lopat 2. Mordecai Brown 3. Lawrence Berra 4. Gene Woodling A childhood nickname. Growing up in St. Lous, Berra imitated an Indian fakir after watching a movie travelogue. A friend noted that he looked like a yogi. He was a rarity in that he was an excellent hitter and a great defensive catcher. He played in 14 World Series, a total of 75 games. As a manager, he won pennants in both the American and National leagues.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. More famous for his wry humor and twisted English, this Yankee star answered to the name "Yogi". Who was the catcher who once said, "It ain't over til its over?""
Lawrence Berra:
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