Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these capital cities was also once the capital of the U.S.?"
Annapolis, Maryland, served as the capital of the United States from November 26, 1783, to August 13, 1784, during the period of the Articles of Confederation. The Continental Congress met in Annapolis at the Maryland State House, where George Washington famously resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Annapolis was one of several cities to temporarily hold the title of U.S. capital before Washington, D.C. Other former capitals of the United States include Philadelphia, New York City, Trenton, Princeton, Baltimore, and the Pennsylvania towns of Lancaster and York.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these capital cities was also once the capital of the U.S.?"
Annapolis, Maryland:
Annapolis, Maryland, served as the capital of the United States from November 26, 1783, to August 13, 1784, during the period of the Articles of Confederation. The Continental Congress met in Annapolis at the Maryland State House, where George Washington famously resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Annapolis was one of several cities to temporarily hold the title of U.S. capital before Washington, D.C. Other former capitals of the United States include Philadelphia, New York City, Trenton, Princeton, Baltimore, and the Pennsylvania towns of Lancaster and York.
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