Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. In 1977, American singer Jackson Browne released a song called "Running on _____.""
...1. Empty 2. Propane 3. Daydreams 4. Moonbeams Jackson Browne was born in Germany, but he grew up in California. The song "Running on Empty" was released in 1977 as part of a live album, and it became one of Browne's most popular songs on FM radio. The song's lyrics suggested a man who was unsure of his life and of his future. Browne sang these words: "In '69 I was twenty-one, and I called the road my own I don't know when that road turned onto the road I'm on Running on empty..."
Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. In 1977, American singer Jackson Browne released a song called "Running on _____.""
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