Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Sometimes, when its hot outside, a nice chocolate shake helps to quench my thirst. But I like to add something to my chocolate milkshakes; a powder that is also found inside Whoppers (candy). What powder transforms my shake, giving it a unique flavor?"
...1. Powdered Baby Formula 2. Corn Starch 3. Whey Protein Powder 4. Malted Milk Adding malted milk to a milkshake transforms it into a malt, or malted milkshake. Adding too much can make it taste a bit odd, though. You can purchase malted milk as a powder in many flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, and regular. Malted milk is also used to make delicious candies: Whoppers, for instance, is a type of malted milk balls.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Sometimes, when its hot outside, a nice chocolate shake helps to quench my thirst. But I like to add something to my chocolate milkshakes; a powder that is also found inside Whoppers (candy). What powder transforms my shake, giving it a unique flavor?"
Malted Milk:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "3. Sometimes, when its hot outside, a nice chocolate shake helps to quench my thirst. But I like to add something to my chocolate milkshakes; a powder that is also found inside Whoppers (candy). What powder transforms my shake, giving it a unique flavor?"
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