Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. This famous romantic title character is banished on pain of death from his hometown of Verona, where he has just killed Tybalt. He flees to Mantua but comes back when his beloved is reported dead. Which title character is this?"
...1. Antony 2. Hamlet 3. Timon 4. Romeo Romeo, of "Romeo and Juliet," kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt in a vengeful rage after Tybalt had killed Mercutio. Romeo is banished for this crime, on pain of death, but cannot resist returning to die next to his wife Juliet when he learns that she is dead. He poisons himself over her apparently-dead body.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. This famous romantic title character is banished on pain of death from his hometown of Verona, where he has just killed Tybalt. He flees to Mantua but comes back when his beloved is reported dead. Which title character is this?"
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