Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Although, idiomatically speaking, sheep are known as followers, there are, as always, exceptions to the rule. But what colour makes these wayward dissenters stand out -- idiomatically, that is? "
...1. Red 2. Brown 3. Grey 4. Black The phrase, "a black sheep in the family", came about due to the occasional birth of a (literally) black sheep to a white flock. The phrase is also one which has negative connotations, both literally and metaphorically. Idiomatically speaking, a "black sheep" is known as a wayward member of the family, and one who doesn't follow suit. In addition to this, in nineteenth-century England a black sheep was considered to be a sign of the devil. Moreover its wool was far less sellable than white wool, as it could not be dyed.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Although, idiomatically speaking, sheep are known as followers, there are, as always, exceptions to the rule. But what colour makes these wayward dissenters stand out -- idiomatically, that is? "
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Although, idiomatically speaking, sheep are known as followers, there are, as always, exceptions to the rule. But what colour makes these wayward dissenters stand out -- idiomatically, that is? "
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