Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Which flightless bird, the second largest in the world by height, is proudly displayed opposite the kangaroo on the coat of arms of Australia?"
...1. Ostrich 2. Emu 3. Rhea 4. Kiwi The Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is a relative of the African Ostrich (the largest by height), the South American Rhea and the New Zealand Kiwi. It is widespread throughout mainland Australia although the King Island Emu and the Tasmanian Emu have both become extinct since European settlement. The Emu's appearance on the coat of arms is more to do with its being relatively the same size as the kangaroo than to do with any cultural or historic importance.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Which flightless bird, the second largest in the world by height, is proudly displayed opposite the kangaroo on the coat of arms of Australia?"
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