Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This 14th-century French fortress, originally built as a defense in the Hundred Years' War, held many political prisoners for centuries, until a mob stormed it in 1789. Where are we?"
...1. Malahide 2. Castle-an-Dinas 3. Bastille Saint-Antoine 4. Dragsholm Castle The Bastille was originally built to defend Paris from invasion by England during the Hundred Years' War. Begun in 1357, construction mainly took place after 1370, when the eight towers protecting the Porte Saint-Antoine in eastern Paris were built. Louis XIV imprisoned French Protestants and other upper-class persons who displeased him in the Bastille. Revolutionaries stormed the Bastille on 14 July 1789. The Committee of the H�tel de Ville ordered its demolition. It (or perhaps its destruction) remains a symbol of French Republicanism.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This 14th-century French fortress, originally built as a defense in the Hundred Years' War, held many political prisoners for centuries, until a mob stormed it in 1789. Where are we?"
Bastille Saint-Antoine:
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