Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where was America’s first boardwalk?"
Atlantic City, New Jersey, is home to the first boardwalk in the United States, a landmark that revolutionized seaside tourism. Constructed in 1870, it was originally built to help keep sand out of the lobbies of oceanfront hotels, and quickly became a destination in itself. It set the stage for the development of other boardwalks across the country, transforming the concept of beachfront recreation. Today, it remains an iconic symbol of American seaside culture, known for its historic piers, amusement rides, and diverse attractions.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where was America’s first boardwalk?"
Atlantic City, NJ:
Atlantic City, New Jersey, is home to the first boardwalk in the United States, a landmark that revolutionized seaside tourism. Constructed in 1870, it was originally built to help keep sand out of the lobbies of oceanfront hotels, and quickly became a destination in itself. It set the stage for the development of other boardwalks across the country, transforming the concept of beachfront recreation. Today, it remains an iconic symbol of American seaside culture, known for its historic piers, amusement rides, and diverse attractions.
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