Step 1 : Introduction to the question ""Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?"
For almost 138 years, the secret recipe for Coca-Cola has been shrouded in mystery. As the story goes, the drink's signature "Merchandise 7X" flavoring has remained unchanged since it was first created in 1886. The company claims that only two employees know the precise method for mixing this top-secret ingredient, and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane to ensure the formula's safety. Even the identities of these two individuals are kept confidential. The original recipe is secured under 24-hour guard in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.
Step 2 : Answer to the question ""Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?"
Coca Cola:
For almost 138 years, the secret recipe for Coca-Cola has been shrouded in mystery. As the story goes, the drink's signature "Merchandise 7X" flavoring has remained unchanged since it was first created in 1886. The company claims that only two employees know the precise method for mixing this top-secret ingredient, and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane to ensure the formula's safety. Even the identities of these two individuals are kept confidential. The original recipe is secured under 24-hour guard in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question ""Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?"
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