Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Our next stop is the city of Tehran, where we hope to arrive in time for Persian New Year, which is celebrated around March 21 each year. In which Islamic country will we be celebrating this 3000 year old holiday?"
...1. Italy 2. Indonesia 3. Iran 4. Iceland Tehran is the capital of Iran, formerly called Persia, the home of the Zoroastrian religion. A number of Zoroastrian holidays are still observed, even though the official religion of the country is now Islam. Nowruz, or Persian New Year, celebrates the vernal equinox, the day when daylight hours become longer than dark hours in the spring. The beginning of spring signals the start of a new year. Traditional family celebrations include bonfires.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Our next stop is the city of Tehran, where we hope to arrive in time for Persian New Year, which is celebrated around March 21 each year. In which Islamic country will we be celebrating this 3000 year old holiday?"
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