Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. One of the most common fears of women having endometriosis is an inability to have children. Endometriosis can cause a number of issues that affect fertility. Which of these is NOT a common result of endometriosis?"
...1. over-production of prostaglandins 2. sexually transmitted diseases 3. scar tissue and adhesions that block fertilization 4. movement of ovaries and fallopian tubes out of position Endometriosis cannot be transferred from one human being to another like many other diseases that cause infertility. It can leave scar tissue and distort female reproduction organs, making it harder to have a child. Endometriosis also does put women at high risk for miscarriages and those who have children have a chance at passing the disease down genetically. However many women with endometriosis are still able to have children and in many cases infertility caused by endometriosis is treatable.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. One of the most common fears of women having endometriosis is an inability to have children. Endometriosis can cause a number of issues that affect fertility. Which of these is NOT a common result of endometriosis?"
sexually transmitted diseases:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. One of the most common fears of women having endometriosis is an inability to have children. Endometriosis can cause a number of issues that affect fertility. Which of these is NOT a common result of endometriosis?"
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