Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. April, 1983. German magazine "Stern" releases a special edition revealing their acquisition of a 62-volume diary said to have been written by a famous wartime leader. Whose diary?"
...1. Winston Churchill 2. Adolf Hitler 3. Franklin Roosevelt 4. Joseph Stalin In their efforts to keep their purchase a secret, "Stern" magazine did not follow due diligence in confirming the authenticity of the supposed 'Hitler Diaries'. In all, it is estimated that the magazine spent approximately 9.3 million Deutschmarks in pursuit of their scoop. The forger was eventually revealed to be Konrad Kujau, who had made a living since the 1970s selling fake Nazi memorabilia to unsuspecting collectors.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. April, 1983. German magazine "Stern" releases a special edition revealing their acquisition of a 62-volume diary said to have been written by a famous wartime leader. Whose diary?"
Adolf Hitler:
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