Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What iconic toy took its name from a pie company?"
Frisbee's name originates from a defunct Connecticut bakery named Frisbie Pie Company. College students in the Northeast, particularly Yale University, discovered that empty pie tins from the Frisbie Pie Company could be tossed and caught, turning them into popular campus toys. In the 1950s, Walter Morrison and Warren Franscioni designed a plastic version of the disc, called the "Pluto Platter." When Wham-O acquired the toy, they rebranded it as the "Frisbee," slightly altering the spelling but maintaining the homage to the pie company.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What iconic toy took its name from a pie company?"
Frisbee's name originates from a defunct Connecticut bakery named Frisbie Pie Company. College students in the Northeast, particularly Yale University, discovered that empty pie tins from the Frisbie Pie Company could be tossed and caught, turning them into popular campus toys. In the 1950s, Walter Morrison and Warren Franscioni designed a plastic version of the disc, called the "Pluto Platter." When Wham-O acquired the toy, they rebranded it as the "Frisbee," slightly altering the spelling but maintaining the homage to the pie company.
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