Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Poodle78 enjoys playing a game of kings and queens. He moves pawns, bishops, rooks, and knights as well. The object is to trap your opponent's king. What is his game?"
...1. Checkers 2. Rummy 3. Dungeons and Dragons 4. Chess Chess evolved from an ancient Indian game called chaturanga. Competitive chess started to become popular in 1834. Heavyweight boxing champion Lennox Lewis played chess every day during training for his bouts. He felt it important to keep his mind as engaged as his body.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Poodle78 enjoys playing a game of kings and queens. He moves pawns, bishops, rooks, and knights as well. The object is to trap your opponent's king. What is his game?"
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. Poodle78 enjoys playing a game of kings and queens. He moves pawns, bishops, rooks, and knights as well. The object is to trap your opponent's king. What is his game?"
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