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Jun 5, 2024

[Answer] 4. How does a typical pride of African lions usually hunt for its food?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. How does a typical pride of African lions usually hunt for its food?"

...1. The females hunt in turn, a different one each day 2. The females hunt as a group 3. The males hunt as a pack 4. The males hunt in turn, a different one each day The female is structurally better suited to hunting than the male - that massive mane tends to make them get overheated and have to abandon the chase too quickly. Males do sometimes participate in hunting if the quarry is close by. Even females are not built to run for long distances to catch their prey, and tend to hunt in dim light that allows them to approach closely before launching the attack. It also helps to have several attack from different directions at once, reducing the chosen animal's escape options. In the wild, the most common prey for lions is the wildebeest, followed by the zebra.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. How does a typical pride of African lions usually hunt for its food?"

The females hunt as a group:

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