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Jun 5, 2024

[Answer] 2. Deciding that it would be appropriate to Bring Your Own Bangers (Australian slang for sausages), salami_swami appropriately brought some German sausage for the barbecue. Which of these might have been on the platter?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Deciding that it would be appropriate to Bring Your Own Bangers (Australian slang for sausages), salami_swami appropriately brought some German sausage for the barbecue. Which of these might have been on the platter?"

...1. Bratwurst 2. Boerewors 3. Black pudding 4. Boudin Bratwurst has been produced in Germany since at least 1313, when it is documented to have been produced in Nuremberg. The exact recipe for the sausage, method of cooking, and mode of presentation for eating varies from place to place. While the sausage is usually grilled or pan-fried, it is also common to find it simmered in beer (sometimes followed by frying). Boudin refers to a range of sausages in French, Belgian, German, French Canadian and Cajun cooking, although the latter only includes boudin blanc, a white sausage, rather than the fuller range found in other cuisines. Black pudding is a type of sausage made from blood and thickening ingredients. This name is most commonly used in the United Kingdom, where it refers to a sausage made with pork blood and thickened with oatmeal. The South African boerewors (farmer's sausage) has Dutch roots, and contains such spices as coriander seed, pepper, nutmeg, cloves and allspice. Boerewors is commonly cooked at a braai (South African barbecue) and served with pap (a porridge made from mielie-meal, something like polenta or grits).

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Deciding that it would be appropriate to Bring Your Own Bangers (Australian slang for sausages), salami_swami appropriately brought some German sausage for the barbecue. Which of these might have been on the platter?"


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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Deciding that it would be appropriate to Bring Your Own Bangers (Australian slang for sausages), salami_swami appropriately brought some German sausage for the barbecue. Which of these might have been on the platter?"

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