Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Craftspeople using a traditional dye technique of Asia and Africa paint wax onto fabric and then dye it. Because the wax resists the dye, it creates intricate colour patterns. What is this technique called?"
...1. Patchwork 2. Batik 3. Ombr� 4. Smocking The technique of batik was known in ancient Egypt. Today, it is used is several southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as Japan and China. It is also practiced in parts of Africa.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Craftspeople using a traditional dye technique of Asia and Africa paint wax onto fabric and then dye it. Because the wax resists the dye, it creates intricate colour patterns. What is this technique called?"
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Craftspeople using a traditional dye technique of Asia and Africa paint wax onto fabric and then dye it. Because the wax resists the dye, it creates intricate colour patterns. What is this technique called?"
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