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Jun 4, 2024

[Ans] The inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?"

Bob Kane, the cartoonist who co-created Batman, drew inspiration for the superhero's iconic cape from Leonardo da Vinci's sketch of an ornithopter, a conceptual flying machine with flapping wings. Kane came across a picture of the ornithopter in a book about da Vinci and was struck by its bat-like appearance. This inspired him to incorporate a similar aesthetic into his new superhero character, envisioning a crime-fighter who could glide through the night like a bat. Over time, the cape's design evolved from its initial concept to a visually striking cape with scalloped edges, mimicking the look of bat wings.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?"

Leonardo da Vinci:

Bob Kane, the cartoonist who co-created Batman, drew inspiration for the superhero's iconic cape from Leonardo da Vinci's sketch of an ornithopter, a conceptual flying machine with flapping wings. Kane came across a picture of the ornithopter in a book about da Vinci and was struck by its bat-like appearance. This inspired him to incorporate a similar aesthetic into his new superhero character, envisioning a crime-fighter who could glide through the night like a bat. Over time, the cape's design evolved from its initial concept to a visually striking cape with scalloped edges, mimicking the look of bat wings.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "The inspiration for Batman’s cape came from a sketch by whom?"

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