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May 16, 2024

[Answer] What's the term for when cells lose control, forming masses that invade healthy tissues?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " What's the term for when cells lose control, forming masses that invade healthy tissues? "


Cancer occurs when some body cells proliferate out of control and invade other bodily regions.

With trillions of cells making up the human body, cancer can begin practically anywhere. Human cells typically divide to create new cells as needed by the body by growing and multiplying. New cells proliferate and replace old ones when they age or sustain harm.

This controlled mechanism can occasionally malfunction, causing damaged or aberrant cells to proliferate and expand when they shouldn't. Tumors are lumps of tissue that can be formed by these cells. Cancerous or benign tumors can both occur.

Cancerous tumors spread into, or invade, nearby tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to form new tumors (a process called metastasis). Cancerous tumors may also be called malignant tumors. Many cancers form solid tumors, but cancers of the blood, such as leukemias, generally do not.

Benign tumors do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues. When removed, benign tumors usually don’t grow back, whereas cancerous tumors sometimes do. Benign tumors can sometimes be quite large, however. Some can cause serious symptoms or be life threatening, such as benign tumors in the brain.

More Info: www.cancer.gov

Step 2 : Answer to the question " What's the term for when cells lose control, forming masses that invade healthy tissues? "

Cell specialization:

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