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May 17, 2024

[Answer] 4. The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?"

...1. Handy zoologists knit them sweaters 2. They don't need to; they have anti-freeze in their blood 3. They thermoregulate like reptiles 4. They frequent underground hot springs Luckily the naked mole rat lives in an environment with constant warmth and humidity (28-32�C), so their body temperature doesn't vary greatly. During sleep or rest the entire colony snuggles together in underground nest chambers to help slow heat loss. When temperatures get cooler, naked mole rats soak up heat in tunnels closer to the ground's surface. The warmed individuals will then travel back to the nest to huddle with their colony mates, transferring heat in the process. The large surface area of their loose and wrinkled skin helps them to dissipate heat when they get too hot.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?"

They thermoregulate like reptiles:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?"

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