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May 13, 2024

[Answer] 4. Many cordless telephones, cordless power tools, and small digital cameras would be useless without zinc's contribution to which product accessory?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Many cordless telephones, cordless power tools, and small digital cameras would be useless without zinc's contribution to which product accessory?"

...1. Chargers 2. Batteries 3. Fuses 4. Internal circuitry The nickel-zinc (NiZn) battery is a form of rechargeable battery that has found many uses with cordless power equipment. These alternatives to "lead-acid" and "nickel-cadmium" batteries are also used in flashlights, electric bicycles, garden tools, and even in light electrical vehicles. Some of the advantages of nickel-zinc batteries include: lower internal impedance which allows for higher battery discharge rates; fewer cells required for same output; absence of mercury, cadmium, lead or other metal hydrides that are difficult to recycle; absence of flammable active material in production; high power density and low temperature discharge; and proven longevity.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Many cordless telephones, cordless power tools, and small digital cameras would be useless without zinc's contribution to which product accessory?"


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