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May 8, 2024

[Answer] 3. In 2000, Catherine Zeta Jones became the second wife of which Hollywood actor?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. In 2000, Catherine Zeta Jones became the second wife of which Hollywood actor?"

...1. Harrison Ford 2. Robert Redford 3. Michael Douglas 4. Paul Newman Michael Douglas is the eldest son of Kirk Douglas, who has a prolific acting career of his own, including the title role in 'Spartacus' (1960). Michael's career breakthrough came with the television series 'Streets of San Francisco', on which he starred with Karl Malden from 1972 until 1976. His film successes are too numerous to list in full, but include 'Romancing the Stone' (1984), 'Fatal Attraction' (1987) and 'Basic Instinct' (1992). Michael won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Gordon Gekko in 'Wall Street' (1987). Michael and Catherine married in November 2000, and share the same birthday, although twenty five years apart. They have had two children together - Dylan, born in 2000, and Carys, born in 2003. Michael Douglas made the cover of 'Vanity Fair' in January 1995.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. In 2000, Catherine Zeta Jones became the second wife of which Hollywood actor?"

Michael Douglas:

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