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May 3, 2024

[Answer] 1. What does 'lock' mean in canal terminology?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What does 'lock' mean in canal terminology?"

...1. A naturally occurring pool used as a reservoir 2. An appliance for holding cargo down on deck 3. The space required to turn a boat round 4. A device for lowering or raising boats between stretches of water at different levels The commonest type of lock by far is the pound lock. It consists of a chamber, usually built of masonry, which lies between the two lengths of water. It has water-tight gates at each end. For a boat to travel downhill, the lock must be full of water. The upper gate is opened, the boat enters the lock and the gate closed. The lock is then emptied of water by means of sluices or 'paddles', either built into the lower lock gates or in culverts built into the sides of the lock ('ground paddles'). When the level in the lock has sunk to that of the lower stretch, the bottom gate is opened and the boat leaves the lock. To travel uphill, the lock must first be empty, and the procedure is reversed. To confuse the issue, the word 'pound' is also used to describe a stretch of water between locks. Generally speaking, on narrow canals there is a single gate at the upper end of the lock and a pair of gates at the lower end. When closed, these form a 'V' pointing upstream (i.e. into the lock), the better to withstand the water pressure when the lock is full. There is no specific word to describe a boat's turning circle. Although storage reservoirs were built on canals they were never referred to as locks. Cargo was not carried on deck, but in the hold within the hull of the boat.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. What does 'lock' mean in canal terminology?"

A device for lowering or raising boats between stretches of water at different levels:

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