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May 12, 2024

[Ans] Which guitarist lost half of his middle finger in a wood-chopping accident?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which guitarist lost half of his middle finger in a wood-chopping accident?"

Jerry Garcia is best known for his work as the lead guitarist and as a vocalist with the band the Grateful Dead. When Garcia was four years old, he and his family were vacationing in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California. A young Garcia was tasked with steadying wood, while his older brother Tiff chopped. Garcia inadvertently placed his hand in the path of the falling axe. As a result Garcia lost two-thirds of his right middle finger. Despite the accident, Garcia went on to play a mean guitar, and often showed off his missing finger in a sort of salute to fans.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which guitarist lost half of his middle finger in a wood-chopping accident?"

Jerry Garcia:

Jerry Garcia is best known for his work as the lead guitarist and as a vocalist with the band the Grateful Dead. When Garcia was four years old, he and his family were vacationing in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California. A young Garcia was tasked with steadying wood, while his older brother Tiff chopped. Garcia inadvertently placed his hand in the path of the falling axe. As a result Garcia lost two-thirds of his right middle finger. Despite the accident, Garcia went on to play a mean guitar, and often showed off his missing finger in a sort of salute to fans.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which guitarist lost half of his middle finger in a wood-chopping accident?"

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