Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What product did Nintendo originally make before video games?"
Nintendo's origins trace back to its humble beginnings as a playing card company in the late 19th century. Fusajiro Yamauchi opened his first Nintendo playing card shop in 1889 in the Japanese city of Kyoto. The cards, known as Hanafuda, were not traditional decks, but rather handmade floral cards divided into 12 suits. In the mid-20th century, when the cards fell out of flavor, Nintendo began to diversify its offerings. The company first pivoted to manufacturing toys and ardade games and, finally, in the late 1970s, video games.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What product did Nintendo originally make before video games?"
Playing cards:
Nintendo's origins trace back to its humble beginnings as a playing card company in the late 19th century. Fusajiro Yamauchi opened his first Nintendo playing card shop in 1889 in the Japanese city of Kyoto. The cards, known as Hanafuda, were not traditional decks, but rather handmade floral cards divided into 12 suits. In the mid-20th century, when the cards fell out of flavor, Nintendo began to diversify its offerings. The company first pivoted to manufacturing toys and ardade games and, finally, in the late 1970s, video games.
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