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Apr 15, 2024

[Answer] What camp is Stanley Yelnats sent to in “Holes”?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What camp is Stanley Yelnats sent to in “Holes”?"

...Written by Louis Sachar, “Holes” (1998) is set at Camp Green Lake, a former small town in Texas that is now abandoned due to a mysterious curse. Unfortunately for Stanley Yelnats, the barren land is now the site of a juvenile detention center. Stanley is forced to spend his time digging holes for the Warden as punishment for a crime that Stanley did not commit. More truths are uncovered as Stanley digs, revealing the true meaning behind the centuries-old mysteries that surround Camp Green Lake and its former residents. The book was made into a movie in 2003, starring Shia LeBeouf as Stanley.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What camp is Stanley Yelnats sent to in “Holes”?"

Camp Green Lake:

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