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Apr 23, 2024

[Answer] 7. Eating a lobster can be an adventure depending on how hard the shell is and a person's lobster eating experience. What are three basic items most commonly given in restaurants and used in homes to successfully remove the meat from a lobster?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Eating a lobster can be an adventure depending on how hard the shell is and a person's lobster eating experience. What are three basic items most commonly given in restaurants and used in homes to successfully remove the meat from a lobster? "

...1. A lobster hammer, a small fork, and rubber gloves 2. A lobster hammer, a lobster saw, and a plastic bib 3. Nutcracker, a lobster saw, and rubber gloves 4. A small fork, nutcracker, and a plastic bib While some people may use other tools, the three basic ones are a small fork, nutcracker, and a plastic bib. The nutcracker helps crack open the shell. Some lobsters have soft shells and a person can crack and open it with just their hands. Other lobsters have harder shells that require a nutcracker and some effort. The small fork helps the diner get into the claws and joints. The plastic bib protects clothing from lobster juice that squirts out while a person opens a lobster.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "7. Eating a lobster can be an adventure depending on how hard the shell is and a person's lobster eating experience. What are three basic items most commonly given in restaurants and used in homes to successfully remove the meat from a lobster? "

A small fork, nutcracker, and a plastic bib:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "7. Eating a lobster can be an adventure depending on how hard the shell is and a person's lobster eating experience. What are three basic items most commonly given in restaurants and used in homes to successfully remove the meat from a lobster? "

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