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Apr 27, 2024

[Ans] Which reality competition cooking show is hosted by Gordon Ramsay?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which reality competition cooking show is hosted by Gordon Ramsay?"

Hell's Kitchen is a reality competition cooking show, hosted by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. Each season, two teams of chefs compete for a job as head chef at a restaurant, while working in the kitchen of a restaurant set up in the television studio. With Ramsay's trademark fiery demeanor, viewers are treated to electrifying television moments each episode. Beyond the screen, the show has sparked a culinary phenomenon with the launch of Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen restaurants, a vivid testament to the show's enduring influence and appeal.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which reality competition cooking show is hosted by Gordon Ramsay?"

Hell's Kitchen:

Hell's Kitchen is a reality competition cooking show, hosted by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. Each season, two teams of chefs compete for a job as head chef at a restaurant, while working in the kitchen of a restaurant set up in the television studio. With Ramsay's trademark fiery demeanor, viewers are treated to electrifying television moments each episode. Beyond the screen, the show has sparked a culinary phenomenon with the launch of Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen restaurants, a vivid testament to the show's enduring influence and appeal.

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