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Mar 27, 2024

[Answer] Who was the co-host along with Ryan Seacrest on the first season on American Idol?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the co-host along with Ryan Seacrest on the first season on American Idol?"

...Brian Dunkleman was Ryan Seacrest’s original co-host on the first season of “American Idol” in 2002. Since his departure, Seacrest become a global star, leaving many to wonder, what happened to Dunkleman. After the season ended, it was reported that Dunkleman had quit the show. He wanted to focus on stand-up comedy and acting. He also stated his departure was due to the terrible way they treated the young contestants on the show. Dunkleman conceded that he experienced months of depression, and still harbored resentment against Ryan Seacrest, but has come to terms with his decision.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the co-host along with Ryan Seacrest on the first season on American Idol?"

Brian Dunkleman:

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