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Mar 7, 2024

[Answer] Pocahontas was baptized and given what English name?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Pocahontas was baptized and given what English name? "


Light shines on the kneeling figure of Pocahontas, daughter of the Virginia Indigenous chief Powhatan, and on Reverend Alexander Whitaker, the minister officiating at her baptism into the Christian faith. It is believed that Pocahontas was the first Native to convert to Christianity after the arrival of the English. The baptismal ceremony took place in Jamestown in 1613 or 1614, during which she was given the Christian name Rebecca and also revealed her secret native name, Matoaka. Her future husband, John Rolfe, is seen standing behind her. Others shown in the painting include Sir Thomas Dale, deputy governor of the colony, who stands to the left, dressed in armor. Members of Pocahontas's family are in evidence to the right: her brother Nantequaus, wearing tan robes and an elaborate headdress, turns away from the ceremony, while her uncle Opachisco, in rose-colored clothes, appears to be leaning in to listen. Another uncle, Opechancanough, remains seated and has a rather somber mien. Pocahontas's sister, wearing Indigenous clothing and cradling her infant in her lap, watches the proceedings while sitting on the floor.

More Info: encyclopediavirginia.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " Pocahontas was baptized and given what English name? "


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