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Mar 27, 2024

[Answer] 7. Acclaimed by American viewing polls to be "the most trusted man in America". this legendary broadcasting journalist in fact dropped out of college to become a reporter, but who was the anchorman for CBS Evening News for 19 years?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Acclaimed by American viewing polls to be "the most trusted man in America". this legendary broadcasting journalist in fact dropped out of college to become a reporter, but who was the anchorman for CBS Evening News for 19 years?"

...1. Red Cordell 2. Ned Calmer 3. John Clayton 4. Walter Cronkite Indeed Cronkite dropped out of college to cover the fighting in World War II for United Press International. He also reported on the Nuremberg War Trials after the war and in 1950 joined CBS news as a correspondent. For 19 years he was anchor for CBS Evening News (1962-1981) and became one of the most familiar and respected people in American public life. He also published books in international relations and current affairs. Since he left CBS in 1981 he continued to write books, gave lectures and narrated documentaries.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "7. Acclaimed by American viewing polls to be "the most trusted man in America". this legendary broadcasting journalist in fact dropped out of college to become a reporter, but who was the anchorman for CBS Evening News for 19 years?"

Walter Cronkite:

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