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Mar 27, 2024

[Answer] 6. What was the name of the "First Cat" taken as a pet by President Clinton and his family?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. What was the name of the "First Cat" taken as a pet by President Clinton and his family?"

...1. Garfield 2. Socks 3. Felix 4. Meow Meow is the name a cat would choose itself, but then again it is prone to call everyone "Meow"... Garfield is a notorious comic strip cat created by Jim Davis (born 1945). This red tomcat was named after the author's grandfather, not directly after President James Abram Garfield (1831-1881). The feline Garfield is known as a gourmet, especially fond of lasagne. Felix the Cat is another comic strip cartoon. This character debuted in the animated movie "Feline Follies" in 1919 and got its own comic strip series in 1923. There is some debate as to who created this black tomcat with white eyes. By the way, there is in the Benelux and France also a brand of cat food named "Felix" and portraying a playful black-and-white cat. Socks was a non-pedigree tomcat (black with white socks, as the mascot of the Felix brand) adopted by the Clintons in 1991. Socks was born in 1989 and lived until February 2009.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. What was the name of the "First Cat" taken as a pet by President Clinton and his family?"


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