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Mar 25, 2024

[Answer] 4. In 1940, he should have avoided the ice axe, but he was reading in the comfort of his own home-in-exile in Mexico when he was stabbed. Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, this man was one of the premier revolutionaries of Russia. Who was this man?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. In 1940, he should have avoided the ice axe, but he was reading in the comfort of his own home-in-exile in Mexico when he was stabbed. Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, this man was one of the premier revolutionaries of Russia. Who was this man?"

...1. Leon Trotsky 2. Leonid Krasin 3. Karl Marx 4. Pyotr Khrustalyov Surprisingly, Leon Trotsky wasn't originally enamoured with the idea of Marxism, but, he grew to like it during his first exile (from 1896 to 1902). He became one of the leading editors of the revolutionary publication "Iskra", and was very involved with personalities like Lenin, Martov and Plekhanov. Trotsky rose high in Soviet politics after the overthrow of the Tsar and was first appointed Commissar for Foreign Affairs before being put in charge of the Red Army. However, as quickly as he gained power, he soon fell out of favour. He was exiled for the last time in 1929. Soon, he was being linked to plots to assassinate Stalin, and he knew his life was in danger. Always protected, his health began to deteriorate, but he hung on until 1940 when he succumbed to the axe of NKVD agent Ram�n Mercader.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. In 1940, he should have avoided the ice axe, but he was reading in the comfort of his own home-in-exile in Mexico when he was stabbed. Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, this man was one of the premier revolutionaries of Russia. Who was this man?"

Leon Trotsky:

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