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Mar 20, 2024

[Answer] 3. It's rather surprising to find our next Briton on the list, as there's no firm evidence that he ever existed! However, according to legend, what was King Arthur's surname?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. It's rather surprising to find our next Briton on the list, as there's no firm evidence that he ever existed! However, according to legend, what was King Arthur's surname?"

...1. Pengellert 2. Penwyrm 3. Pendragon 4. Pengrendel The character of King Arthur may well be based on leader who defended post-Roman Britain against Anglo-Saxon invasion in the fifth and sixth centuries. Mediaeval writers embellished the myth, adding other knights and the element of chivalry. Presumably those who voted for him were supporting the idea of the lone hero defending his country from foreign invasion. However, they may have been voting for a modern day eco-warrior formerly known as John Rothwell, who now goes by the name of Arthur Pendragon and claims to be a reincarnation of the legendary figure.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. It's rather surprising to find our next Briton on the list, as there's no firm evidence that he ever existed! However, according to legend, what was King Arthur's surname?"


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