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Mar 11, 2024

[Answer] 1. Which of these is NOT something a lynx would usually eat?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Which of these is NOT something a lynx would usually eat?"

...1. Human child 2. Rabbits 3. Fish 4. Birds As a child, I was warned not to get off the porch after dark because I could get eaten by a bobcat. While some lynx will come into populated areas because they are attracted by food, usually small animals or pets, they rarely attack humans and generally avoid them. Many cases of bobcat or lynx attacks are due to rabies, though there is a slight chance that an extremely aggressive lynx or one trying to protect itself or its young would attack a human. Depending on the area and species of lynx, their diets vary from small animals like rabbits, birds, and fish, to larger animals like young deer, boar, and moose. They will also feed on carrion and hide food to be eaten later, especially if food is scarce.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Which of these is NOT something a lynx would usually eat?"

Human child:

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