Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What was the job of the sailor in the "crow's nest"? "
...1. Rowing one of the many oars on the boat 2. Working as a lookout 3. Working as the ship's cook 4. Providing health care The crow's nest was a platform, basket or barrel that was located on the upper part of the main mast of large sailing ships. It was his job to watch out for other ships, land on the horizon, icebergs, and often for aquatic prey such as whales. For centuries real crows were carried on ship to help with navigation. It was believed that if you were lost, you could release a crow from the crow's nest and he would fly directly to the closest land. This is the origin of the phrase "as the crow flies", meaning the most direct route.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. What was the job of the sailor in the "crow's nest"? "
Working as a lookout:
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