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Feb 1, 2024

[Answer] Where can you find the Nazca Lines?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you find the Nazca Lines?"

...1. Peru 2. Bolivia 3. Mexico 4. Argentina

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you find the Nazca Lines?"

Peru - The Nazca Lines are famous to Lima, Peru; they are various geoglyphs, or large etchings in the ground, that can only be viewed from above. There are hundreds of these markings across the area, in forms ranging from shapes to lines and even animals and plants, such as a spider, whale, llama, and flower. It is believed that the Nazca people created these geoglyphs between 100 BCE and 700 CE for the purpose of religious rituals. By removing soil and rock down to 15 inches, ancient cultures were able to form these interesting designs. Due to infrequent rainfall and a lack of extreme weather conditions, the lines have been naturally preserved for hundreds of years without a lot of erosion or heavy damage. Scientists are continually finding new geoglyphs around Peru, but the purpose of these lines is still debated today.:

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