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Feb 12, 2024

[Answer] 3. On the 12th February 1924, Howard Carter opened whose sarcophagus at Luxor, Egypt?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. On the 12th February 1924, Howard Carter opened whose sarcophagus at Luxor, Egypt?"

...1. Ramses 1 2. Tutankhamen 3. Akhenaten 4. Darius 1 Tutankhamen was the Pharaoh of Egypt in the 18th dynasty from about 1333-1323 BC. The tomb was first discovered in November 1922 in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, by British archaeologists Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The sarcophagus was made of quartzite, while the lid was rose granite and was cracked in the middle. The lid alone weighed over a ton and a quarter. When they finally managed to lift the lid up they found the contents were covered by fine linen shrouds, under which was the golden effigy of Tutankhamen.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. On the 12th February 1924, Howard Carter opened whose sarcophagus at Luxor, Egypt?"


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