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Jan 15, 2024

[Answer] What was the first cartoon character created by Walt Disney?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the first cartoon character created by Walt Disney?"

...1. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit 2. Tony the Lazy Turtle 3. Milton the Hungry Bear 4. Stanley the Loyal Dog

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the first cartoon character created by Walt Disney?"

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - Debuting in 1927 and preceding Mickey Mouse by one year, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was the first animated character created by Walt Disney. After signing a deal with Universal, Disney and animator Ub Iwerks got to work on the project, and Oswald would publicly debut on September 5, 1927, in the film "Trolley Troubles." Unfortunately, Disney was later forced out by his distributor, Charles Mintz, and could no longer produce films with Oswald given that he didn't own the character's rights. This inspired Disney to develop a new character that he owned, which in turn led to the creation of Mickey Mouse.:

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