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Jan 22, 2024

[Answer] Martin Landau won an Academy Award for his portrayal of which classic Hollywood horror star?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Martin Landau won an Academy Award for his portrayal of which classic Hollywood horror star?"

...1. Lon Chaney Jr. 2. Boris Karloff 3. Vincent Price 4. Bela Lugosi

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Martin Landau won an Academy Award for his portrayal of which classic Hollywood horror star?"

Bela Lugosi - Martin Landau achieved fame for a number of roles during his lengthy acting career. He was the star of the original "Mission: Impossible" (1966 to 1973) and "Space 1999" (1975 to 1977) TV series. However, one of his most memorable roles was that of the elderly horror star Bela Lugosi in Tim Burton's biopic "Ed Wood" (1994). Landau's sympathetic performance garnered a plethora of awards, including a Golden Globe, an Academy Award, and a SAG.:

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