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Jan 11, 2024

[Answer] FEMA was created during which President's administration?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "FEMA was created during which President's administration?"

...1. George H.W. Bush 2. Lyndon B. Johnson 3. Franklin D. Roosevelt 4. Jimmy Carter

Step 2 : Answer to the question "FEMA was created during which President's administration?"

Jimmy Carter - Various forms of disaster relief and aid have been around since soon after the founding of the United States. In 1803, a Congressional Act provided aid to merchants in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, after a major fire. However, it was not until 1979 that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was signed into being. President Jimmy Carter signed the authorization, adding another executive order a few months later, granting the agency two tasks to oversee: emergency management and civil defense. In 2003, FEMA joined a number of other agencies under the Department of Homeland Security umbrella. :

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