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Jan 29, 2024

[Answer] 3. Bagheera the black panther finds a man-cub in the jungle and takes him to the Indian wolf family led by Akela. The wolves raise Mowgli as one of their own and he has adventures with many other animals, in which Disney classic film?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Bagheera the black panther finds a man-cub in the jungle and takes him to the Indian wolf family led by Akela. The wolves raise Mowgli as one of their own and he has adventures with many other animals, in which Disney classic film?"

...1. Homeward Bound 2. Tarzan 3. Jungle Book 4. Lion King "The Jungle Book" was the 19th animated feature film released by the Disney Studios in 1967. It was directed by none other than WOLFgang Reitherman and was the last movie produced by Walt Disney himself, who passed away during its production. The film was based upon the stories written by Rudyard Kipling featuring the boy Mowgli, Baloo the bear, Bagheera the panther, Kaa the snake, King Louie and his monkey friends, Colonel Hathi the elephant and of course the villainous tiger Shere Khan. Mowgli is raised by Akela and the wolves for ten years and learns the ways of the jungle. When the tiger Shere Khan returns, Bagheera and Baloo escort Mowgli to the man village to take him to safety.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Bagheera the black panther finds a man-cub in the jungle and takes him to the Indian wolf family led by Akela. The wolves raise Mowgli as one of their own and he has adventures with many other animals, in which Disney classic film?"

Jungle Book:

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