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Jan 31, 2024

[Answer] 1. According to old tales, the fire in this city was caused by a cow in 1871, spreading to kill hundreds and leveling many miles of wood structures. Where did this occur?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. According to old tales, the fire in this city was caused by a cow in 1871, spreading to kill hundreds and leveling many miles of wood structures. Where did this occur?"

...1. Boston 2. Chicago 3. Philadelphia 4. Washington D.C. Although Mrs. O'Leary's cow is simply myth at this point, the blaze was indeed real, and it was one of the most devastating in American history causing vast amounts of damage and spreading to take down several square miles of city property. The subsequent rebuilding of the city brought it back to become one of the country's economic and commercial hubs. The water tower in the center of the downtown core was one of the only buildings to survive the blaze; it remains to this day. While the fire was devastating, its effects on urban growth in a continuously growing nation were far-reaching; cities throughout the States revised their building plans to avoid such future catastrophe and devastation.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. According to old tales, the fire in this city was caused by a cow in 1871, spreading to kill hundreds and leveling many miles of wood structures. Where did this occur?"


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