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Dec 30, 2023

[Answer] Where is this medieval fortress?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this medieval fortress?"

...1. Croatia 2. Albania 3. Serbia 4. France

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this medieval fortress?"

Serbia - Called the “Guardian of the Danube,” Golubac Fortress is located near Europe’s largest gorge, the Đjerdap gorge, sandwiched between the Carpathian Mountains. Đjerdap means the “Iron Gates of the Danube,” which means Golubac is the river’s “guardian.” The fortress’ origins are a bit mysterious, as no one knows who founded the castle or when it was built. However, it’s estimated to have been erected around the 14th century. Such a mysterious past tends to incite myths and legends — one of which claims that a beautiful young woman named Golubana was tied to a rock in the middle of a river after refusing the love of a Turkish pasha (officer). She died there, and the cliffside fortress of 10 towers is her namesake.:

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